Multiline equations

Multiline equations are obtained by using the <#363#>#math91#\begin{eqnarray}<#363#>, <#364#>#math92#\end{eqnarray}<#364#> format. Use the <#365#>#math93#\nonumber<#365#> command at the end of each line where you do not want a number:

#tex2html_wrap_indisplay819# =   igZ2(4E1E2)1/2(li2)-1δσ1,-σ2(gσ2e)2χ-σ2(p2)  
    ×[εjliεi]σ1χσ1(p1), (5)

#tex2html_wrap_indisplay824#|Mviolg#tex2html_wrap_indisplay825# = g2n-4S(Q2)~Nn-2(N2 - 1)  
    ×#tex2html_wrap_indisplay829##tex2html_wrap_indisplay830##tex2html_wrap_indisplay831##tex2html_wrap_indisplay832##tex2html_wrap_indisplay833##tex2html_wrap_indisplay834##tex2html_wrap_indisplay835#cfτ~. (6)

<#94#>Note:<#94#> do not use 25 on a line of a multiline equation if 26 is also used on that line. Incorrect cross-referencing will result.

If you wish to set a multiline equation without <#95#>any<#95#> equation numbers, you can use the 27, 28 format:

#tex2html_wrap_indisplay838#|Mviolg#tex2html_wrap_indisplay839# = g2n-4S(Q2)~Nn-2(N2 - 1)  

To obtain numbers not normally produced by the automatic numbering, use the 29 command, where 30 is the desired equation number. For example, to get an equation number of (#eq:mynum#107>),

g+g+g+g+g+g+...~,~~q+q+q+g+g+...~.#tex2html_wrap_indisplay852#2.6$'$ (7)

<#112#>A few notes on<#112#> 31. The 32 must come before the 33, if any. The numbering set with 34 is <#113#>transparent<#113#> to the automatic numbering in REVTEX<#114#><#114#>; therefore, you must know the number ahead of time, and <#115#>must<#115#> make sure that the number set with 35 stays in step with the automatic numbering. 36 works with both single-line and multiline equations. You could, if you wished, do all the numbering in a paper manually with 37.

Enclosing single-line and multiline equations in 38 and 39 will produce a set of equations that are ``numbered'' with letters, as shown in Eqs. (#mlett:1#116>) and (#mlett:2#117>) below: #mathletters118# If you use a 40 command right after the 41, then 42 can be used to reference all the equations in a mathletters environment. For example, the equations in the preceding mathletters environment were Eqs. (#generallabel#136>).